الاثنين، 15 يونيو 2009

Online Forex Trading/ Bermain Valas Secara Online

Please get some complete information about Online Forex Trading in this site. These information include foreign exchange, currency exchange, forex signal, playing forex, forex broker, famous world forex trader, passive income, forex trader, forex trading in world money market, how to make money from your home by using forex business, and technical analysis and fundamental analysis of foreign exchange / currency exchange.
..Anda dapat memperoleh informasi yang lengkap tentang Bermain Valas Secara Online melalui situs ini. Informasi2 ini meliputi signal valas, main valas, jual beli mata uang asing, penghasilan sampingan, penghasilan tambahan, pedagang valas, perdagangan valas di pasar uang dunia, bagaimana menghasilkan uang dari rumah mu dgn menggunakan bisnis valuta asing maupun mengenai analisa teknikal dan analisa fundamental valuta asing.
Salam Sejahtera,
Bermula dari niat awal saya yang ingin berbagi ilmu dan informasi yang sangat bermanfaat, ditambah lagi dengan moment yang sangat tepat di internet mulai tahun 2005 ini yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mencari penghasilan tambahan di internet tanpa harus merekrut downline ataupun berpromosi. Serta semangat "anti Korupsi, Kolusi & Nepotisme (KKN)" yang pastinya menyengsarakan masyarakat.
Saya adalah professional trader yang telah berpengalaman sejak 2004 di Forex Market (Pasar Valas) di Jakarta, hingga sekarang masih trading online dari rumah dan kantor saya. Apabila anda berminat berinvestasi di Bursa, deposit yang diwajibkan minimal adalah USD $ 5000! Namun setelah anda menerapkan apa yang saya tawarkan dan ajarkan, anda tidak perlu modal apapun lagi!
Saya akan menawarkan kepada anda bagaimana mencari uang di internet yaitu dengan cara bermain di pasar valuta asing secara online. Tanpa harus menitipkan modal pada orang, yang mana sejak 5 tahun terakhir ini, bisnis HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) sangat menjamur dan 90% biasanya berujung pada ketidakpuasan consumer karena kurangnya transparansi para adminnya--akhirnya berujung pada SCAM!
Untuk itulah, melalui website sederhana ini, saya ingin memberitahukan supaya anda tidak terpancing mengikuti program semacam itu.
Valas / Forex Margin Trading atau perdagangan mata uang asing saat ini sudah sangat mudah dilakukan dari rumah atau Warnet. Dengan modal komputer yang tersambung ke internet, kita sudah bisa melakukan perdagangan mata uang asing dari mana saja, rumah, kantor, warnet, dsb. Berbeda jauh dengan Commision House atau perusahaan Bursa Berjangka, di mana kita harus menyetorkan sejumlah uang untuk membuka Account di perusahaan tersebut.
Pasar valas/forex berjalan selama 24 jam, berputar mulai dari pasar New Zaeland & Australia yang berlangsung pukul 05.00–14.00 WIB, terus ke pasar Asia yaitu Jepang & Singapura yang berlangsung pukul 07.00–16.00 WIB, ke pasar Eropa yaitu Jerman & Inggris yang berlangsung pukul 13.00–22.00, sampai ke pasar Amerika yang berlangsung pukul 20.30–10.30. Dalam perkembangan sejarahnya, bank sentral milik negara-negara dengan cadangan mata uang asing yang besar sekalipun dapat dikalahkan oleh kekuatan pasar forex/valas yang bebas.
Besarnya biaya yang harus disetorkan untuk membuka account pada perusahaan yang menyelenggarakan Valas / Forex Online Margin Trading bervariasi, mulai dari US$500 (Rp. 5.000.000 dengan asumsi kurs dolar ke rupiah Rp.10.000) sampai US$10000 (Rp. 100.000.000 dengan asumsi kurs dolar ke rupiah Rp. 10.000). Sungguh besar modal yang dikeluarkan untuk dapat memulai bisnis Valas / Forex Margin Trading.
..Tapi, sekarang jika anda telah memiliki modal utama yaitu Akses Internet, apakah itu di rumah sendiri atau di Warnet, tak jadi masalah yang penting bisa akses internet. Kendala modal yang besar itu bisa ditanggulangi dengan bergabung dengan perusahaan Valas / Forex Online Margin Trading yang memberi keringanan dalam soal pembukaan Account. Sekarang telah ada bursa online minimal $1 dengan e-currency!* , yaitu
Marketiva. Selain itu, ada beberapa yang menawarkan mulai $1 hingga $300 dengan mini accountnya.
..Dengan membuka account di
Marketiva, Anda akan mendapatkan US$ 5 (real money) secara cuma-cuma yang bisa langsung digunakan untuk trading. Jika Anda bisa mengembangkan uang ini, maka Anda akan bisa menariknya ke account e-gold Anda. Enak sekali bukan?

Selain itu, Anda juga akan mendapatkan virtual money sebesar US$ 10000 (sepuluh ribu dolar), uang virtual itu bisa dimanfaatkan untuk belajar/latihan trading agar bisa memahami tata cara trading, strategy, pergerakan harga, dan lain-lain. Setelah Anda merasa percaya diri maka Anda bisa langsung menggunakan uang $5 yang telah anda dapatkan secara cuma-cuma untuk melakukan live trading (trading betulan).
Sekarang saya akan menawarkan kepada anda bagaimana cara mencari uang di internet, merekomendasikan yang paling aman buat anda semua, cuma dengan modal $1 dengan cara sebagai berikut:
1. Apply
e-gold sebagai mata uang elektronik yang paling aman dan terbanyak digunakan di seluruh dunia.
Sekilas Mengenai e-Gold
..Dalam setiap aktifitas eBisnis, kita pasti membutuhkan suatu alat pembayaran digital dalam bertransaksi. Alat pembayaran digital ini disebut e-Currency yaitu alat pembayaran yang sah dan bias diterima secara umum di seluruh dunia, misalnya Credit Card. Namun pemakaian credit card melalui media internet masih banyak memunculkan masalah terutama tingkat keamanannya, apalagi Indonesia sekarang dalam kondisi ter-blacklist oleh sebagian merchant internasional karena tingginya angka "carding" atau penyalahgunaan di Indonesia. Sehingga sebagai alternatif untuk melakukan transaksi secara online di Internet kita dapat menggunakan e-Gold.
e-Gold adalah suatu alat pembayaran digital baru (digital cash) yang dapat dipergunakan di seluruh dunia, dikeluarkan oleh e-gold Ltd., standar nilainya didasarkan pada 100% harga emas murni yang berlaku di pasar dunia, dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk rekening tabungan e-gold. e-gold adalah suatu mata uang seperti halnya rupiah dan dollars, bukan merupakan mata uang nasional suatu negara.
Ini berarti tidak ada suatu negara yang mengeluarkan uang kertas ataupun logam dalam mata uang e-gold. Malahan setiap transaksi dilakukan secara elektronis melalui internet, tidak terbatas oleh letak geografis suatu negara. e-gold pada dasarnya mempunyai fungsi yang sama dengan e-mail. Bedanya e-mail adalah sebagai pengganti surat konvensional yang dikirimkan dengan perangko melalui kantor pos; sedangkan e-gold adalah sebagai pengganti (alternatif) untuk transfer uang ataupun pembayaran yang biasa dilakukan melalui perantara bank (ATM, transfer antar bank, bank draft, dan juga pos wesel).Boleh dikatakan tidak memiliki e-gold di tahun 2000-an, sama dengan tidak memiliki e-mail di tahun 90-an. Ingatkah Anda, kapan Anda mulai mengenal dan mempunyai e-mail?
Membuka rekening e-gold adalah gratis, Anda dapat membuat sebuah rekening e-gold tanpa membayar apapun dan tanpa kewajiban memberikan setoran awal alias (GRATIS). Anda hanya akan membayar 1% untuk setiap transaksi yang dilakukan (maximum fee $0.50 untuk setiap traksaksi), jadi misalnya Anda melakukan transaksi sejumlah $1,000 Anda hanya akan membayar fee sebesar $0.50 (50 cents). Sementara untuk kartu kredit terkena fee sebesar 2%-4% dari total jumlah uang yang dibelanjakan. Anda juga hanya akan membayar uang tahunan sebesar 1% dari jumlah uang yang Anda simpan di e-gold (apakah ini cukup besar jika dibandingkan dengan kartu kredit?).Anda tidak di tuntut untuk mempuyai kartu kredit dalam bertransaksi menggunakan e-gold ini, cukup dengan rekening Bank lokal.
Apakah E-Gold Bisa Dipercaya dan Aman?
Tentu. E-Gold sudah diakui oleh banyak merchant di seluruh dunia dalam melakukan transaksi online dan sebagai media pembayaran yang sah. Selain itu dana di E-Gold dapat ditarik melalui ATM khusus di semua mesin ATM berlogo Cirrus, Maestro dan Master Card. E-Gold sangat mudah dan fleksibel karena real time, anytime, dan anywhere. Jadi sistem transfer dan pembayaran dilakukan waktu itu juga dan bisa dilakukan kapanpun karena selalu buka 24 jam dan bisa melakukan transaksi di manapun. E-Gold memiliki website yang dijamin keamanannya dengan Secure Server 128 bit SSL. Siapapun dapat membuka (create account) rekening E-Gold secara GRATIS seperti halnya bila membuka rekening di bank.Dengan E-Gold kita dapat mengisinya dengan membeli atau menjualnya ke merchant-merchant yang terpercaya yang bertebaran di Indonesia.
2. Apply member di
indochanger untuk membeli mata uang tersebut dengan Bank di seluruh Indonesia: BCA, Mandiri, BNI, dsb......
(Jika anda telah memiliki rekening e-gold sebelumnya, maka anda bisa langsung masuk ke langkah yang ke 3).
3. Kemudian, bagaimana mengembangkan dana tersebut?: Apply member bursa di internet:
Marketiva , gratis $5 yang bisa anda kembangkan uangnya sepuasnya. Trading mulai 1 cent! (leverage 1:100) dengan 17 pairs instrument ! Setelah itu, download Novativa Streamster-nya

Semua link yang saya rekomendasikan di atas adalah GRATIS!

* e-currency = mata uang elektronik (dalam US$--default-- ataupun mata uang asing lainnya di dunia) sebagai pengganti mata uang riil dan dapat digunakan untuk order barang secara online ataupun alat pembayaran yang sah...
Forex Online Trading Ini benar - benar Pekerjaan nyata di Internet dari Rumah / Kantor anda Anda benar - benar mendapatkan Pekerjaan Terbaik di Internet. Menjadi seorang Trader sukses adalah Pekerjaan yang di idam - idamkan ribuan orang di Indonesia. Selain waktu kerjanya fleksibel , income penghasilan yg didapat mencapai Ribuan US $ Dollar. Membuat uang BEKERJA untuk anda, cara gampang cari duit dari rumah.
Forex Online Trading adalah Trend investasi masa kini. Apakah sudah siap menjadi TRADER sukses ? YA ! Anda pasti siap , karena disini ada proses Belajarnya , ada Free Trial sebelum melakukan Real Transaction. Jadi sama aja kuliah kerja nyata , pertama kali memang bingung , beranikan mencoba, pasti pengalaman dan mahir kemudiPilihlah tempat untuk Trading berikut ini :
1. MARKETIVA Trading Company
Marketiva adalah perusahaan penyedia layanan Trading online dari Switzerland , Eropa. Layanan service nya masih baru tetapi cukup cepat populer di Internet. Setiap orang bisa melakukan Trading dengan modal awal cuma $ 1 saja. Nah coba serius di Marketiva , anda bisa bekerja Trading dari rumah bersama seluruh Keluarga atau di sela - sela jam istirahat di Kantor.
Marketiva antara lain sebagai berikut:
Marketiva provides spot forex on major currency pairs and crosses2. $5 cash reward you can start trading right away; tight spreads from 3 pips; trading on 1% margin3. virtual and live desks within one account4. latest news, alerts on market events, signals, no market commissions5. zero-interest on open positions, 24-hour support, chat channels, the most sophisticated and 6. easy-to-use forex charting tool6. ability to trade from the charts and the best forex trading software available!
Start awal yg mudah seperti ini :
Open Account Marketiva disini sekarang > Download Stremster > Login > Group Indonesia Pada saat membuka account , anda mendapat gratis Us $ 5.
Perhatian : Untuk meng aktifkan Streamster agar bisa login , anda diminta mengirimkan identitas foto dan alamat lengkap. Karena Marketiva adalah perusahaan Legal dan Professional, berusaha melindungi anda dari hal - hal yg tidak di inginkan.
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baca 3 x sehari
SUKSES di Marketiva Forex Online Trading.

..The Greatest Investors profile
Berikut ini adalah profil singkat dari beberapa investor dan trader professional dunia termasuk salah satunya adalah George Soros. Para analis keuangan memperkirakan pendapatan soros $4000/menit....wow...ck....ck...Selamat membaca dan semoga berguna untuk membangun visi bisnis forex
Becoming a successful investor takes education, patience and maybe even a little luck. But investing other people's money is an entirely different ball game. Money managers rely on hard work, intelligence and discipline to recognize opportunities other professionals may have missed...Historically, the market has returned a solid 12% per year on average. The seven icons below represent the pinnacle of the financial world. Each one has dramatically exceeded market performance. They have all made a fortune off their success but, more importantly, so have the millions of people who invested with them...1. John (Jack) Bogle=====================Born : Montclair, New Jersey in 1929Employer : Founder and Chairman of The Vanguard GroupMost Famous For : Often referred to as the father of index fund investing, he's the creator of the first S&P 500 index fund.Less Celebrated For: Admits that mutual funds "haven't been up front with investors - top fund performance has always been followed by mediocre returns"...Quote: "If you have trouble imagining a 20% loss in the stock market, you shouldn't be in stocks."..Background:..Bogle is considered a pioneer in the mutual fund industry. He introduced the first S&P 500 index fund ever - the Vanguard 500 Index - which debuted in 1976. On countless occasions, he has stated that investors shouldn't be so worried about trying to beat the markets and should join the markets instead. His index funds were characterized as low cost and low maintenance and allowed several millions of investors to participate in the greatest bull market ever. He rejects "today's emphasis on witchcraft and mystery" in investing, and supports a "back to basics" strategy. In his opinion, these are the investment principles which have proven to be successful for over 75 years...2. Warren Buffett=================Born : Omaha, Nebraska in 1930Employer : Berkshire Hathaway ChairmanMost Famous For : A $10,000 investment into Berkshire Hathaway when Buffett took control in 1965 would be worth over $50 million today. By comparison, $10,000 in the S&P 500 would have grown to only $500,000.Less Celebrated For: Buffett is considered by many to be a real Scrooge (in fact his personalized license plate reads, "Thrifty"). Reportedly he is only going to bequeath around $3 to $4 million to each of his children, despite his $40+ billion net worth. However, he does so with good intentions and plans on leaving the vast majority of his fortune to charitable causes...Quote: "If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians."..Of Interest: Ever wondered exactly where Mr Buffett is Investing?..Background:..Also known as "The Oracle of Omaha," many people consider Buffett the greatest investor ever. Even with all the success and accolades, he still lives in the house he bought for $31,500 over 40 years ago. What's most intriguing about Buffett is that he is one of the few extremely rich people who has amassed wealth solely through investing in stocks. His investment strategy of discipline, patience and value consistently outperforms the market and his moves are followed by thousands of investors worldwide...He is also famous for not joining the infamous tech/Internet stock rally in the late 1990s, stating that he refuses to invest in companies that he can't visualize 10 years down the road.Great Buffet Quotes"Rule No.1: Never lose money.Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.""Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.".."Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls Royce to get advice from those who take the subway.".."Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing."..3. Peter Lynch================Born : United States in 1944Employer : Former Fidelity fund manager, today he is vice-chairman of FidelityMost Famous For : When he started managing the Fidelity Magellan Fund in 1978, it had assets of $20 million. When he retired in 1990, it had assets of $14 billion.Less Celebrated For: Some people were none too pleased when Lynch, one of the greatest, retired at the tender age of 46...Quote: "Go for a business that any idiot can run - because sooner or later, any idiot probably is going to run it."..Background:..Lynch is arguably the world's most famous mutual fund manager. Often described as a chameleon, he adapted to whatever investment style worked at the time (growth vs. value). He was one of the first to uncover hidden gems such as Dunkin' Donuts, Pier 1 Imports and Taco Bell. People began to criticize Lynch once his fund surpassed $1 billion in assets in the early 1980s, but the fund rose to $13 billion less than seven years later. He admits to taking plenty of risks while managing the Magellan Fund, but he never suffered a losing year...According to Valueline, "a $10,000 investment into Magellan in 1978 and then adding $100 per month, would add up to over $1 million, in 20 years!" While at the helm of Magellan, Lynch achieved an average annual return of 29% a year...4. Julian Robertson====================Born : Salisbury, NC in 1933Employer : Founder/Chairman, Tiger Management Corp.Most Famous For : A titan of hedge fund investing, his funds today require a minimum investment of $5 million per person. He turned $8 million in 1980 into over $8 billion in the late 1990s.Less Celebrated For: Remembered for losing $200 million in 1996 when a "bet" on U.S. Treasuries went wrong...Quote: "[O]ur mandate is to find the 200 best companies in the world and invest in them, and find the 200 worst companies in the world and go short on them. If the 200 best don't do better than the 200 worst, you probably should get in another business."..Background:At his peak, no one could beat him for sheer stock-picking acumen. Robertson was the "Wizard of Wall Street" and was paid well for it. In 1993, his compensation and share of Tiger's mammoth gain reportedly exceeded $300 million. His current estimated net worth is over $400 million. Robertson had the best hedge fund record throughout the 1980s and early '90s. The compound rate of return to his investors was 32%...Because of the "irrational" technology stock craze, Robertson suffered large losses in the late 1990s. This ultimately led him to close his investment company and liquidate its $6 billion in investments - investments which had once reached a high of $26 billion...5. Michael Steinhardt=====================Born : 1941Employer : Founder, Steinhardt PartnersMost Famous For : $1 invested with Steinhardt when he founded his firm in 1967 would be worth $462 today.Less Celebrated For: Steinhardt didn't exactly go out with a bang. He ended his illustrious hedge fund career in 1995, a year after suffering big losses...Quote: "In the 1950s and 1960s, the heroes were the long-term investors; today the heroes are the wise guys."..Background:..Like George Soros, Steinhardt made most of his fortune managing a hedge fund. Hedge funds tend to be risky propositions, especially because they are usually limited to about 100 investors with minimum stakes of $1 million. This is unlike a mutual fund, which accepts any investor, large or small. Hedge fund is synonymous with high risk and Steinhardt once stated: "our fund's risk factor can, at least in theory, vary from plus 200% to minus 200%." Steinhardt's fund produced an average annual return of 24%, netting him a personal fortune reportedly worth over $500 million...Lately, Steinhardt has become a prominent philanthropist, giving away millions of dollars each year to various charities. He is also founder of the Jewish Life Network, which sponsors a number of major Jewish outreach initiatives and organizations...6. George Soros================Born : Budapest in 1930Employer : Founder of Soros Fund ManagementMost Famous For : A highly respected currency speculator, he once shorted the British Pound for a one day gain in excess of $1 billion.Less Celebrated For: Although not entirely responsible, Soros' comments on the Russian economy contributed to its stocks plunging 12% in the first hour of trading. Five days later, the currency had devalued 25%...Quote : "It's not whether you're right or wrong that's important, but how much money you make when you're right and how much you lose when you're wrong."..Background:..Known as a hedge fund guru, Soros' expertise is mainly in currency speculation. He is principal investment advisor for the Quantum Fund, which is recognized for having the best performance record of any investment fund in the world over its 26-year history. If you invested $100,000 in 1969 when Soros established the Quantum Fund and reinvested all dividends, your investment would have been worth over $150 million by the spring of 1994. At one point, analysts estimated Soros was earning over $4000 a minute...7. John Templeton===================Born : Winchester, Tennessee in 1912Employer : Founder of the Templeton GroupMost Famous For : Created some of the world's largest and most successful global investment funds using his independent investment strategy.Less Celebrated For: More recently, his funds have failed to provide the astounding gains his followers were used to, partly due to the recent Asian recession...Quote: "The time of maximum pessimism is the best time to buy and the time of maximum optimism is the best time to sell."..Background:..Templeton is a true pioneer of the global mutual fund industry. He has led the charge for teaching investors to explore the world for great investments. Investing overseas was virtually unheard of until investors caught on to Templeton's strategy. Today, the Templeton Group's combined assets exceed $25 billion...Besides pioneering global investing, a great example of his independent investment strategy occurred in 1939. With the outbreak of war looming, a twentysomething Templeton bought every stock selling for under $1 per share on the major exchanges. Within four years, he had quadrupled his money...Templeton is one of the strongest proponents of diversification. He once stated that "the only investors who shouldn't diversify are those who are right 100% of the time."Another one of Templeton's success stories is a man by the name of Leroy Paslay. He was one of Templeton's earliest investors, giving him $65,500 to invest in 1954. 40 years later, Paslay was worth over $37 million...After making billions through his innovative approach to investing, he has now become one of the world's greatest philanthropists. In 1987, he founded the $1/4 billion John Templeton Foundation.............EST.........................GMT......................Tokyo............
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English Language
Begin with my early intention who want to share knowledge and information that very beneficial, and with the exactly moment in the internet begin from this 2006, I will tell you how to look for the additional income from the internet without must recruit downline or do some promotions. As well as the spirit of "anti Corruption, Collusion & Nepotism" that definitely tormented the community.I am a professional trader that was experienced since 2004 in Forex Market (the Foreign Currency Market) in Jakarta, till now still trading online from my house and my office.If you had an investing interest in the Stock Exchange, minimum deposit that was obliged is US$ 5000!However after you applied what is offered and taught by me, you did not need any capital again!
I will offer to you how looked for money in the internet that is by means of playing in the foreign currency market in an online manner.Without must send capital to the person, whichever since the last 5 year, the HYIP business (High Yield Investment the Program) really a lot and 90% usually pointed in dissatisfaction consumer because of the shortage of the transparency of their administration -- finally pointed to SCAM!For that purpose, through this simple website, I want to inform that you are not provoked to take part in those kinds of programs.
Forex or trade in foreign currency at this time really has been easy to be carried out from the house or internet rental.By computer that is connected to the internet, we could have carried out the trade in foreign currency from everywhere, house, office, internet rental, etc. Different far with Commision House or the company the Stock Exchange Measure, where we must deposit an amount of money to open the Account in this company.The cost that must be turned over to open the account to the company that held Foreign Currency/Forex Online Trading varied, beginning with US$500 until US$10000.It was really big capital that was need to spent to be able to begin the Foreign Currency business/Forex TradingBut, now if you have had Internet Access, that in the house personally or in internet rental, there is no problem anymore. The big hindrance could be dealt with the Foreign Currency company/Forex Online Trading company that gave the easyness in the matter of the Account opening. Now we have the online forex broker minimum $1 with e-currency!,that is
Marketiva. Moreover, there are several that offered began $1 to $300 with their mini accounts.By opening the account in Marketiva, you will get US$ 5 (real money) free that at once could be used to trading. If you could develop/grow this money, then you can withdraw it to your e-gold account. Interesting, is it?
Moreover, you too will get virtual money as big as US$10000 (ten thousand dollar), money virtual that could be used to study/exercise trading in order to be able to understand the conduct trading, strategy, the movement of the price, etc.After you have self-confidence then you could at once use that $5 free money to do live tradingNow I will offer to you how to look for money in the internet, recommended that safest for you all, only by capital $1 by means of as follows:1.Apply e-gold as electronics currency that most safe and most wanted used all over the world.Concerning e-Gold ..In each activity eBisnis, we must need a digital payment implement in transaction. This digital payment implement is mentioned e-Currency that is the legal payment tool and were accepted generally all over the world, for example Credit Card.However the usage of credit card went through the internet media still often showed the problem especially the level of his security. So as the alternative to do the online manner transaction in Internet,we could use e-Gold.E-Gold is a digital payment implement just (digital cash) that could be utilised all over the world, was dismissed by e-gold Ltd., its standard is based to 100% the price of current pure gold in the world market, and was put forward in the form of the e-gold savings account.E-gold is a currency as in the case of rupiah and dollars, but is not anational currency of a country.This meant there isn't any country that spent the note or metal in currency e-gold.Each transaction is carried out electronically through the internet, is unlimited by the geographical location a country.E-gold basically had the same function as e-mail.Its difference between them is e-mail is as the replacement of the conventional letter that was sent with stamp through the post office; whereas e-gold is as the replacement (the alternative) for the transfer of money or normal payment that is done through the bank's intermediary (the ATM, the transfer between the bank, the bank draft, but also the money order post).Might be said did not have e-gold in the 2000's, be the same as did not have the e-mail in the 90's. Do you remember, when you began to know and have e-mail?Open an e-gold account is free, you could make an e-gold account without paying anything and without the obligation to give the beginning deposit (FREE).You only will pay 1% for each transaction that was carried out (maximum fee $0.50 during every time transaction), so for example if you carried out the transaction that $1,000 in amount, you only will pay the fee as big as $0.50 (50 cents).For credit card, the fee is as big as 2%-4% from the total money that was spent.And you too will only pay annual money as big as 1% from the amount of money that is kept by you in e-gold (whether this is big enough if compared with the credit card?).You are not in demanded to have the credit card in transaction using this e-gold. You only need account of the local Bank.E-Gold could be Believed and Safe?Certainly.E-Gold has been acknowledged by many merchant all over the world in doing the online transaction and as the legal payment media.Moreover the fund in E-Gold could be withdrawn through special ATM in all ATM machines that have Cirrus, Maestro and Master Card logos.E-Gold is really easy and flexible because real time, anytime, and anywhere.So the transfer and payment system are carried out at time and also could be carried out whenever because is open at 24 hours and could do the transaction anywhere.E-Gold's website has security guarantee by Secure Server 128 bit SSL. Everyone can open (create) E-Gold account FREE as in the case of when opening the account in the bank.We could deposit e-gold by buying or selling it to every merchant that was widespread all over the world.2.Apply member in every merchant that buying and selling e-gold like indochanger if you live in Indonesia.(If you have had e-gold account before, then you could go to step 3).
3.Afterwards, how developed/grow this fund?Apply to be member of the online forex broker in internet:
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The Greatest Investors profileAlong with these are some short appearances from several investors and professional traders all over the world including one of them is George Soros. The financial analysts estimated that Soros' income is $4.000/minutes.Wow.Ck....Ck....Read it catrefully and hope it is useful to develop your Forex vision.Becoming a successful investor takes education, patience and maybe even a little luck. But investing other people's money is an entirely different ball game. Money managers rely on hard work, intelligence and discipline to recognize opportunities other professionals may have missed...Historically, the market has returned a solid 12% per year on average. The seven icons below represent the pinnacle of the financial world. Each one has dramatically exceeded market performance. They have all made a fortune off their success but, more importantly, so have the millions of people who invested with them...1. John (Jack) Bogle=====================Born : Montclair, New Jersey in 1929Employer : Founder and Chairman of The Vanguard GroupMost Famous For : Often referred to as the father of index fund investing, he's the creator of the first S&P 500 index fund.Less Celebrated For: Admits that mutual funds "haven't been up front with investors - top fund performance has always been followed by mediocre returns"...Quote: "If you have trouble imagining a 20% loss in the stock market, you shouldn't be in stocks."..Background:..Bogle is considered a pioneer in the mutual fund industry. He introduced the first S&P 500 index fund ever - the Vanguard 500 Index - which debuted in 1976. On countless occasions, he has stated that investors shouldn't be so worried about trying to beat the markets and should join the markets instead. His index funds were characterized as low cost and low maintenance and allowed several millions of investors to participate in the greatest bull market ever. He rejects "today's emphasis on witchcraft and mystery" in investing, and supports a "back to basics" strategy. In his opinion, these are the investment principles which have proven to be successful for over 75 years...2. Warren Buffett=================Born : Omaha, Nebraska in 1930Employer : Berkshire Hathaway ChairmanMost Famous For : A $10,000 investment into Berkshire Hathaway when Buffett took control in 1965 would be worth over $50 million today. By comparison, $10,000 in the S&P 500 would have grown to only $500,000.Less Celebrated For: Buffett is considered by many to be a real Scrooge (in fact his personalized license plate reads, "Thrifty"). Reportedly he is only going to bequeath around $3 to $4 million to each of his children, despite his $40+ billion net worth. However, he does so with good intentions and plans on leaving the vast majority of his fortune to charitable causes...Quote: "If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians."..Of Interest: Ever wondered exactly where Mr Buffett is Investing?..Background:..Also known as "The Oracle of Omaha," many people consider Buffett the greatest investor ever. Even with all the success and accolades, he still lives in the house he bought for $31,500 over 40 years ago. What's most intriguing about Buffett is that he is one of the few extremely rich people who has amassed wealth solely through investing in stocks. His investment strategy of discipline, patience and value consistently outperforms the market and his moves are followed by thousands of investors worldwide...He is also famous for not joining the infamous tech/Internet stock rally in the late 1990s, stating that he refuses to invest in companies that he can't visualize 10 years down the road.Great Buffet Quotes"Rule No.1: Never lose money.Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.""Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.".."Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls Royce to get advice from those who take the subway.".."Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing."..3. Peter Lynch================Born : United States in 1944Employer : Former Fidelity fund manager, today he is vice-chairman of FidelityMost Famous For : When he started managing the Fidelity Magellan Fund in 1978, it had assets of $20 million. When he retired in 1990, it had assets of $14 billion.Less Celebrated For: Some people were none too pleased when Lynch, one of the greatest, retired at the tender age of 46...Quote: "Go for a business that any idiot can run - because sooner or later, any idiot probably is going to run it."..Background:..Lynch is arguably the world's most famous mutual fund manager. Often described as a chameleon, he adapted to whatever investment style worked at the time (growth vs. value). He was one of the first to uncover hidden gems such as Dunkin' Donuts, Pier 1 Imports and Taco Bell. People began to criticize Lynch once his fund surpassed $1 billion in assets in the early 1980s, but the fund rose to $13 billion less than seven years later. He admits to taking plenty of risks while managing the Magellan Fund, but he never suffered a losing year...According to Valueline, "a $10,000 investment into Magellan in 1978 and then adding $100 per month, would add up to over $1 million, in 20 years!" While at the helm of Magellan, Lynch achieved an average annual return of 29% a year...4. Julian Robertson====================Born : Salisbury, NC in 1933Employer : Founder/Chairman, Tiger Management Corp.Most Famous For : A titan of hedge fund investing, his funds today require a minimum investment of $5 million per person. He turned $8 million in 1980 into over $8 billion in the late 1990s.Less Celebrated For: Remembered for losing $200 million in 1996 when a "bet" on U.S. Treasuries went wrong...Quote: "[O]ur mandate is to find the 200 best companies in the world and invest in them, and find the 200 worst companies in the world and go short on them. If the 200 best don't do better than the 200 worst, you probably should get in another business."..Background:At his peak, no one could beat him for sheer stock-picking acumen. Robertson was the "Wizard of Wall Street" and was paid well for it. In 1993, his compensation and share of Tiger's mammoth gain reportedly exceeded $300 million. His current estimated net worth is over $400 million. Robertson had the best hedge fund record throughout the 1980s and early '90s. The compound rate of return to his investors was 32%...Because of the "irrational" technology stock craze, Robertson suffered large losses in the late 1990s. This ultimately led him to close his investment company and liquidate its $6 billion in investments - investments which had once reached a high of $26 billion...5. Michael Steinhardt=====================Born : 1941Employer : Founder, Steinhardt PartnersMost Famous For : $1 invested with Steinhardt when he founded his firm in 1967 would be worth $462 today.Less Celebrated For: Steinhardt didn't exactly go out with a bang. He ended his illustrious hedge fund career in 1995, a year after suffering big losses...Quote: "In the 1950s and 1960s, the heroes were the long-term investors; today the heroes are the wise guys."..Background:..Like George Soros, Steinhardt made most of his fortune managing a hedge fund. Hedge funds tend to be risky propositions, especially because they are usually limited to about 100 investors with minimum stakes of $1 million. This is unlike a mutual fund, which accepts any investor, large or small. Hedge fund is synonymous with high risk and Steinhardt once stated: "our fund's risk factor can, at least in theory, vary from plus 200% to minus 200%." Steinhardt's fund produced an average annual return of 24%, netting him a personal fortune reportedly worth over $500 million...Lately, Steinhardt has become a prominent philanthropist, giving away millions of dollars each year to various charities. He is also founder of the Jewish Life Network, which sponsors a number of major Jewish outreach initiatives and organizations...6. George Soros================Born : Budapest in 1930Employer : Founder of Soros Fund ManagementMost Famous For : A highly respected currency speculator, he once shorted the British Pound for a one day gain in excess of $1 billion.Less Celebrated For: Although not entirely responsible, Soros' comments on the Russian economy contributed to its stocks plunging 12% in the first hour of trading. Five days later, the currency had devalued 25%...Quote : "It's not whether you're right or wrong that's important, but how much money you make when you're right and how much you lose when you're wrong."..Background:..Known as a hedge fund guru, Soros' expertise is mainly in currency speculation. He is principal investment advisor for the Quantum Fund, which is recognized for having the best performance record of any investment fund in the world over its 26-year history. If you invested $100,000 in 1969 when Soros established the Quantum Fund and reinvested all dividends, your investment would have been worth over $150 million by the spring of 1994. At one point, analysts estimated Soros was earning over $4000 a minute...7. John Templeton===================Born : Winchester, Tennessee in 1912Employer : Founder of the Templeton GroupMost Famous For : Created some of the world's largest and most successful global investment funds using his independent investment strategy.Less Celebrated For: More recently, his funds have failed to provide the astounding gains his followers were used to, partly due to the recent Asian recession...Quote: "The time of maximum pessimism is the best time to buy and the time of maximum optimism is the best time to sell."..Background:..Templeton is a true pioneer of the global mutual fund industry. He has led the charge for teaching investors to explore the world for great investments. Investing overseas was virtually unheard of until investors caught on to Templeton's strategy. Today, the Templeton Group's combined assets exceed $25 billion...Besides pioneering global investing, a great example of his independent investment strategy occurred in 1939. With the outbreak of war looming, a twentysomething Templeton bought every stock selling for under $1 per share on the major exchanges. Within four years, he had quadrupled his money...Templeton is one of the strongest proponents of diversification. He once stated that "the only investors who shouldn't diversify are those who are right 100% of the time."Another one of Templeton's success stories is a man by the name of Leroy Paslay. He was one of Templeton's earliest investors, giving him $65,500 to invest in 1954. 40 years later, Paslay was worth over $37 million...After making billions through his innovative approach to investing, he has now become one of the world's greatest philanthropists. In 1987, he founded the $1/4 billion John Templeton Foundation.


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